

Guru Grah Shanti Jaap

  • Product Code: Guru Grah Shanti Jaap
  • Availability: In Stock

  • ₹5,100

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Brihaspati the ruler of all planets, is responsible for intelligence, wisdom, religion, knowledge. Weak Guru brings unhappiness and all evil effects. All the malefic effects of the Guru Graha dosha can be overcome by performing this japa.


Master Graha Jaap: Guru is otherwise called Brihaspati, speaks to information, training, law, equity, governmental issues, energy, future, and morals. At the point when Guru is wrongly put in our horoscope then it gives issues like money related issues, obstructions in training, medical issues, and so on. It's especially essential to play out this Jaap for the individuals who have Guru dosh in their horoscope. Master Graha Jaap is performed by conjuring Guru Devaru and reciting mantras for Brihaspati to please the graha according to the Shastras to dispose of all the issue happening because of this dosha and live joyfully.


Guru Graha Japa: Guru Devaru was also known as Brihaspati, represents knowledge, education, law, justice, politics, positivity, future, and ethics. When Guru is wrongly placed in our horoscope then it gives problems like financial problems, obstacles in education, health problems, etc. It’s very much important to perform this Japa for those who have Guru dosha in their horoscope.

Guru Graha Japa is performed by invoking Guru Devaru and chanting mantras for Brihaspati to please the graha as per the shastras to get rid of all the problem occurring due to this dosha and live happily.

Tags: GuruGraha Shanti, yagya for Guru Graha, Guru Grah Pooja